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Holidays with your dog – What you need to necessarily note!

Holidays with your dog – What you need to necessarily note!

by Ronny

The car is the ideal means of transport, If your dog comes with the holiday travel. The advantage is, that you can plan the itinerary itself, When you insert breaks can more your dog travel stress will spare. In addition, the car is the means of transport, the your dog is familiar even before the holiday. An additional advantage of a trip to the holiday, that you can take the usual food.

Here are some tips:

  • No longer feed them before driving (ca. four hours). But if mountain roads in front of you, then give your dog a little something to chew, thus the pressure in the ears triggers.
  • Eighth in the vacation planning it, that the longer driving stages are not covered in the hottest time of day.
  • Let your dog back not alone in a car, if it is necessary but, then place the car in the shade and leave two car window open a crack - better course, that someone stays with your dog.
  • Breaks are important - both for humans and for your dog. All 2-3 Hours you should therefore take a break, so that your dog can do alone his "business", a little run and gets drinking fresh water can. (Do not forget the water tank and bowl)
  • If your dog is ill while driving, then let yourself before your holiday advice from your veterinarian. Driving is just training thing - in humans and animals. The key to success is the psyche of the dog and there help some tricks: For example, the well-dosed placing treats in the vehicle or joining the ride pleasant experiences, such as a trip

The dog is a pack animal, Therefore it is important for him, that he must stay within its familiar community. A change in the environment for your dog usually not a problem - but is planning important!

Here are some tips which you should have in your luggage

Impfpass und notwendige Papiere für die Einreiseerlaubnis (Vaccinations), Versicherungsnummer/ Haftpflichtversicherung, Transportkorb, muzzle, Leine, Collar or harness, Trinkwasser und Fressnapf, Zeckenzange, Hundesackerl und Schaufel, Fodder, Treats and Chews, Dosenöffner bei Nassfutter, Toys, Bürste, Comb, Sunscreen and first aid kit, Körbchen und Decke

Write us your experiences and tips, you made with your dog on holiday in the comments.

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