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MAJOR DOG “Kotbeutel-Spender-Set” Dog Accessories, Hundetüten, Kotbeutel, Sanitary bags

MAJOR DOG "Kotbeutel-Spender-Set" Hundezubehör, Hundetüten, Kotbeutel, Gassi Beutel

MAJOR DOG “Kotbeutel-Spender-Set” Dog Accessories, Hundetüten, Kotbeutel, Sanitary bags

Product description Dispenser & Sanitary bags:

Of the
“Dog Dirt Bag Dispenser”” is a practical dispenser for easy removal of the legacies of dogs.

The bag can be easily pulled out of the dispenser and tear well through the perforation…

10.45 9.00

(as of 06/27/2015 at 17:09 UTC)